This thread will be about upgrading a 3018 Pro CNC "mill".
It will show my problems and solutions for individual areas.
The upgrades will be based on the suggestions from Teaching Tech:
3018 Pro CNC
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- Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
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- Site Admin
- Beiträge: 929
- Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
- Hat sich bedankt: 33 Mal
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Re: 3018 Pro CNC
Sourcecode download
Compile with platformio (tested with version 5.1.1)
Firmware upgrade
The Firmware (.pio/build/STM32F103RC_btt_512K/firmware.bin) must be copied to a empty SD-Card and the SD-Card must be put in the SD-Card Reader of the BTT SKR mini V1.1 Board. (see this Video for more information about this step)
Code: Alles auswählen
git clone ''
cd Marlin
git checkout remotes/origin/3018-cnc-skr-mini
Code: Alles auswählen
platformio run -e STM32F103RC_btt_512K
The Firmware (.pio/build/STM32F103RC_btt_512K/firmware.bin) must be copied to a empty SD-Card and the SD-Card must be put in the SD-Card Reader of the BTT SKR mini V1.1 Board. (see this Video for more information about this step)
- Site Admin
- Beiträge: 929
- Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
- Hat sich bedankt: 33 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 146 Mal