Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Site Admin
Beiträge: 886
Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
Hat sich bedankt: 33 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 144 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von little.yoda » 26.09.2019, 15:49

ist jetzt in der Beta-Version eingebaut.

Der Configfile-Generator wird noch dauern:

hier die notwendigen Teile.
Zur Erklärung:
Intern wird für die Geschwindigkeit mit -100 bis 100 gerechnet. Ein wert von 50 bedeutet, dass innerhalb von einer Sekunde eine Änderung von 50 erlaubt ist.

Heißt, dass er innerhalb von 2 Sekunden die maximale Geschwindigkeit erreicht haben darf. Wenn dir dies zu langsam ist, erhöhe den Wert, wenn dir es zu schnell ist, verringere den Wert.

Code: Alles auswählen

    "filter": [
          "m": "limitchange",

Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 21.08.2019, 07:14
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von murdok1980 » 26.09.2019, 17:08

Wenn wieder Zeit ist probier ich das mal aus. Hab noch keinerlei Vorstellung wie das im Fahrbetrieb ausschaut.
Auf jeden Danke für die Arbeit.

Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 21.08.2019, 07:14
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von murdok1980 » 27.09.2019, 08:59

Ich habe es mal probiert.
Den WemosD1 mini mit der Firmware (hoffentlich die richtige) ... 1_mini.bin
neu geflasht.
die 2 Dateien fürs Web Interface hochgeladen plus die 2 neuen.
Danach noch meine Config

Code: Alles auswählen

    "filter": [
          "m": "limitchange",
hochgeladen und geschaut was passiert.
Nix passiert. Laut Log müsste es gehen PWM Wert geht mit Verzögerung hoch und auch runter.
An D1 und D2 kann ich aber nix messen die bleiben auf 0V. Hab die DRV8871 H-Bridge dran.
Grüße Andre

Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 21.08.2019, 07:14
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von murdok1980 » 27.09.2019, 09:13

Hab jetzt die vorletzte Beta wieder drauf mit der Config hier.

Code: Alles auswählen

Das funktioniert. Nur halt ohne deine Neuerung.
Wo habe ich denn hier den Fehler gemacht?
Grüße André
Edit: Wenn ich per Firmware update über die o.g. funktionierende Version deine neue PWM Firmware aufspiele geht auch nix mehr. Laut Log kommen die Befehle an, werden aber nicht an die PINs weitergeleitet vermute ich.

Site Admin
Beiträge: 886
Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
Hat sich bedankt: 33 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 144 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von little.yoda » 27.09.2019, 11:35

komisch ... habe beim Testen noch einen Fehler gefunden, bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob es das eigentlich Problem ist.

In 10 min steht eine neue Beta-Version zur Verfügung. Kannst du bitte sie nochmal testen?

Und ein Ausschnitt aus dem Logfile wäre hiflreich.

Wichtig sind die "PWM: SetSettings sd/63" Einträge.

Wenn diese Einträge erscheinen, ist das Problem in der PWM Ansteuerung, sonst in der Filterkette

EDIT: Rechtschreibung

Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 21.08.2019, 07:14
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von murdok1980 » 27.09.2019, 14:11

Hab die Beta draufgebügelt. Geht noch nicht.
Log hab ich hier.

Code: Alles auswählen

Compiledate: Sep 27 2019 09:31:57 {NONGITVERSION}
MEM 28536 / Controller
MEM 25848 / Wifi
Starting Wifi...
MEM 26336 / Webserver
MEM 24024 / Serial
MEM 24024 / Cfg
MEM 23944 / Cfg Read
MEM 23824 / Starting Parsing
MEM 22048 wlan
DoubleBootDetection: 0
MEM 21792 z21
Starting Z21 Wlan Receiver ...
MEM 21224 webservicewifiscanner
MEM 21104 webservicelog
MEM 20968 cmdlogger
MEM 20776 pwm
Starting PWM...
PWM-Pin: DISABLE Forward-Pin: D1 Reverse-Pin: D2
Adding Settings pwm1
MEM 20328 limitchange
Adding Settings pwmfilter
MEM 20000 locospeed
Connector-Sektion leer oder fehlerhaft!
MEM 19728 / Closing Parser
MEM 21464 / Cfg-End
MEM 21616 Post Config
MEM 21640 / Setup Finish

Setup finish!
Wifi status changed: Disconnected => Connected IP:
Connection to: 00:15:0C:DC:A4:50 (Q:-29)
Message after Timeout from Z21 received!
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Turnout Offset: 4
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Fimrware Version: 130
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  7 128
Sending sd -5
Sending sd -5 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -1
PWM: SetSettings sd/-1
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  7 128
Sending sd -5
Sending sd -5 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -2
PWM: SetSettings sd/-2
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  14 128
Sending sd -10
Sending sd -10 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -3
PWM: SetSettings sd/-3
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  14 128
Sending sd -10
Sending sd -10 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -4
PWM: SetSettings sd/-4
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -5
PWM: SetSettings sd/-5
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  14 128
Sending sd -10
Sending sd -10 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  20 128
Sending sd -15
Sending sd -15 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -6
PWM: SetSettings sd/-6
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -7
PWM: SetSettings sd/-7
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  20 128
Sending sd -15
Sending sd -15 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -8
PWM: SetSettings sd/-8
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  24 128
Sending sd -18
Sending sd -18 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -9
PWM: SetSettings sd/-9
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  24 128
Sending sd -18
Sending sd -18 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -10
PWM: SetSettings sd/-10
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -11
PWM: SetSettings sd/-11
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  29 128
Sending sd -22
Sending sd -22 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  29 128
Sending sd -22
Sending sd -22 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -12
PWM: SetSettings sd/-12
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -13
PWM: SetSettings sd/-13
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  29 128
Sending sd -22
Sending sd -22 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -14
PWM: SetSettings sd/-14
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  43 128
Sending sd -33
Sending sd -33 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -15
PWM: SetSettings sd/-15
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  43 128
Sending sd -33
Sending sd -33 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -16
PWM: SetSettings sd/-16
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -17
PWM: SetSettings sd/-17
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  62 128
Sending sd -48
Sending sd -48 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  62 128
Sending sd -48
Sending sd -48 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -18
PWM: SetSettings sd/-18
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -19
PWM: SetSettings sd/-19
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  62 128
Sending sd -48
Sending sd -48 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -20
PWM: SetSettings sd/-20
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -21
PWM: SetSettings sd/-21
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  66 128
Sending sd -51
Sending sd -51 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  66 128
Sending sd -51
Sending sd -51 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -22
PWM: SetSettings sd/-22
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -23
PWM: SetSettings sd/-23
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  66 128
Sending sd -51
Sending sd -51 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -24
PWM: SetSettings sd/-24
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  68 128
Sending sd -53
Sending sd -53 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -25
PWM: SetSettings sd/-25
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  68 128
Sending sd -53
Sending sd -53 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -26
PWM: SetSettings sd/-26
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -27
PWM: SetSettings sd/-27
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  68 128
Sending sd -53
Sending sd -53 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -28
PWM: SetSettings sd/-28
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -29
PWM: SetSettings sd/-29
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  68 128
Sending sd -53
Sending sd -53 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -30
PWM: SetSettings sd/-30
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -31
PWM: SetSettings sd/-31
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  68 128
Sending sd -53
Sending sd -53 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -32
PWM: SetSettings sd/-32
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -33
PWM: SetSettings sd/-33
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  68 128
Sending sd -53
Sending sd -53 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -34
PWM: SetSettings sd/-34
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  81 128
Sending sd -63
Sending sd -63 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -35
PWM: SetSettings sd/-35
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  81 128
Sending sd -63
Sending sd -63 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -36
PWM: SetSettings sd/-36
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -37
PWM: SetSettings sd/-37
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  87 128
Sending sd -67
Sending sd -67 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  87 128
Sending sd -67
Sending sd -67 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -38
PWM: SetSettings sd/-38
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -39
PWM: SetSettings sd/-39
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  87 128
Sending sd -67
Sending sd -67 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -40
PWM: SetSettings sd/-40
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -41
PWM: SetSettings sd/-41
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  99 128
Sending sd -77
Sending sd -77 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  99 128
Sending sd -77
Sending sd -77 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -42
PWM: SetSettings sd/-42
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -43
PWM: SetSettings sd/-43
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  99 128
Sending sd -77
Sending sd -77 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -44
PWM: SetSettings sd/-44
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  108 128
Sending sd -84
Sending sd -84 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -45
PWM: SetSettings sd/-45
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  108 128
Sending sd -84
Sending sd -84 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -46
PWM: SetSettings sd/-46
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -47
PWM: SetSettings sd/-47
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  121 128
Sending sd -94
Sending sd -94 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  121 128
Sending sd -94
Sending sd -94 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -48
PWM: SetSettings sd/-48
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -49
PWM: SetSettings sd/-49
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  121 128
Sending sd -94
Sending sd -94 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -50
PWM: SetSettings sd/-50
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -51
PWM: SetSettings sd/-51
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -52
PWM: SetSettings sd/-52
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -53
PWM: SetSettings sd/-53
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -54
PWM: SetSettings sd/-54
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -55
PWM: SetSettings sd/-55
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -56
PWM: SetSettings sd/-56
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -57
PWM: SetSettings sd/-57
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -58
PWM: SetSettings sd/-58
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -59
PWM: SetSettings sd/-59
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -60
PWM: SetSettings sd/-60
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -61
PWM: SetSettings sd/-61
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -62
PWM: SetSettings sd/-62
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -63
PWM: SetSettings sd/-63
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -64
PWM: SetSettings sd/-64
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -65
PWM: SetSettings sd/-65
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -66
PWM: SetSettings sd/-66
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -67
PWM: SetSettings sd/-67
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -68
PWM: SetSettings sd/-68
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -69
PWM: SetSettings sd/-69
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -70
PWM: SetSettings sd/-70
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -71
PWM: SetSettings sd/-71
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -72
PWM: SetSettings sd/-72
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -73
PWM: SetSettings sd/-73
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -74
PWM: SetSettings sd/-74
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -75
PWM: SetSettings sd/-75
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -76
PWM: SetSettings sd/-76
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -77
PWM: SetSettings sd/-77
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -78
PWM: SetSettings sd/-78
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -79
PWM: SetSettings sd/-79
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -80
PWM: SetSettings sd/-80
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -81
PWM: SetSettings sd/-81
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -82
PWM: SetSettings sd/-82
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -83
PWM: SetSettings sd/-83
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -84
PWM: SetSettings sd/-84
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -85
PWM: SetSettings sd/-85
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -86
PWM: SetSettings sd/-86
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -87
PWM: SetSettings sd/-87
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -88
PWM: SetSettings sd/-88
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -89
PWM: SetSettings sd/-89
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  127 128
Sending sd -99
Sending sd -99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -90
PWM: SetSettings sd/-90
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  108 128
Sending sd -84
Sending sd -84 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -89
PWM: SetSettings sd/-89
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  108 128
Sending sd -84
Sending sd -84 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -88
PWM: SetSettings sd/-88
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -87
PWM: SetSettings sd/-87
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  108 128
Sending sd -84
Sending sd -84 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  80 128
Sending sd -62
Sending sd -62 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -86
PWM: SetSettings sd/-86
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -85
PWM: SetSettings sd/-85
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  80 128
Sending sd -62
Sending sd -62 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -84
PWM: SetSettings sd/-84
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  54 128
Sending sd -42
Sending sd -42 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -83
PWM: SetSettings sd/-83
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  54 128
Sending sd -42
Sending sd -42 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -82
PWM: SetSettings sd/-82
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -81
PWM: SetSettings sd/-81
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  33 128
Sending sd -25
Sending sd -25 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  33 128
Sending sd -25
Sending sd -25 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -80
PWM: SetSettings sd/-80
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -79
PWM: SetSettings sd/-79
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  33 128
Sending sd -25
Sending sd -25 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -78
PWM: SetSettings sd/-78
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -77
PWM: SetSettings sd/-77
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  33 128
Sending sd -25
Sending sd -25 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -76
PWM: SetSettings sd/-76
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -75
PWM: SetSettings sd/-75
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  33 128
Sending sd -25
Sending sd -25 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -74
PWM: SetSettings sd/-74
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -73
PWM: SetSettings sd/-73
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  11 128
Sending sd -8
Sending sd -8 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  11 128
Sending sd -8
Sending sd -8 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -72
PWM: SetSettings sd/-72
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -71
PWM: SetSettings sd/-71
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  11 128
Sending sd -8
Sending sd -8 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -70
PWM: SetSettings sd/-70
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  2 128
Sending sd -1
Sending sd -1 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -69
PWM: SetSettings sd/-69
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  2 128
Sending sd -1
Sending sd -1 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -68
PWM: SetSettings sd/-68
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -67
PWM: SetSettings sd/-67
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  2 128
Sending sd -1
Sending sd -1 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -66
PWM: SetSettings sd/-66
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -65
PWM: SetSettings sd/-65
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  2 128
Sending sd -1
Sending sd -1 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -64
PWM: SetSettings sd/-64
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -63
PWM: SetSettings sd/-63
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -62
PWM: SetSettings sd/-62
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -61
PWM: SetSettings sd/-61
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -60
PWM: SetSettings sd/-60
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -59
PWM: SetSettings sd/-59
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -58
PWM: SetSettings sd/-58
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -57
PWM: SetSettings sd/-57
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -56
PWM: SetSettings sd/-56
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -55
PWM: SetSettings sd/-55
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -54
PWM: SetSettings sd/-54
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -53
PWM: SetSettings sd/-53
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -52
PWM: SetSettings sd/-52
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -51
PWM: SetSettings sd/-51
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -50
PWM: SetSettings sd/-50
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -49
PWM: SetSettings sd/-49
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -48
PWM: SetSettings sd/-48
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -47
PWM: SetSettings sd/-47
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -46
PWM: SetSettings sd/-46
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -45
PWM: SetSettings sd/-45
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -44
PWM: SetSettings sd/-44
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -43
PWM: SetSettings sd/-43
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -42
PWM: SetSettings sd/-42
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -41
PWM: SetSettings sd/-41
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -40
PWM: SetSettings sd/-40
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -39
PWM: SetSettings sd/-39
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -38
PWM: SetSettings sd/-38
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -37
PWM: SetSettings sd/-37
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -36
PWM: SetSettings sd/-36
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -35
PWM: SetSettings sd/-35
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -34
PWM: SetSettings sd/-34
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -33
PWM: SetSettings sd/-33
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -32
PWM: SetSettings sd/-32
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -31
PWM: SetSettings sd/-31
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -30
PWM: SetSettings sd/-30
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -29
PWM: SetSettings sd/-29
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -28
PWM: SetSettings sd/-28
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -27
PWM: SetSettings sd/-27
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -26
PWM: SetSettings sd/-26
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -25
PWM: SetSettings sd/-25
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -24
PWM: SetSettings sd/-24
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -23
PWM: SetSettings sd/-23
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -22
PWM: SetSettings sd/-22
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -21
PWM: SetSettings sd/-21
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -20
PWM: SetSettings sd/-20
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -19
PWM: SetSettings sd/-19
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -18
PWM: SetSettings sd/-18
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -17
PWM: SetSettings sd/-17
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -16
PWM: SetSettings sd/-16
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -15
PWM: SetSettings sd/-15
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -14
PWM: SetSettings sd/-14
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -13
PWM: SetSettings sd/-13
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -12
PWM: SetSettings sd/-12
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -11
PWM: SetSettings sd/-11
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -10
PWM: SetSettings sd/-10
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -9
PWM: SetSettings sd/-9
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -8
PWM: SetSettings sd/-8
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -7
PWM: SetSettings sd/-7
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -6
PWM: SetSettings sd/-6
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -5
PWM: SetSettings sd/-5
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -4
PWM: SetSettings sd/-4
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -3
PWM: SetSettings sd/-3
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -2
PWM: SetSettings sd/-2
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> -1
PWM: SetSettings sd/-1
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 0
PWM: SetSettings sd/0
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: -1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  35 128
Sending sd 27
Sending sd 27 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  35 128
Sending sd 27
Sending sd 27 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 1
PWM: SetSettings sd/1
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 2
PWM: SetSettings sd/2
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  35 128
Sending sd 27
Sending sd 27 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 3
PWM: SetSettings sd/3
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  56 128
Sending sd 43
Sending sd 43 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 4
PWM: SetSettings sd/4
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  56 128
Sending sd 43
Sending sd 43 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 5
PWM: SetSettings sd/5
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 6
PWM: SetSettings sd/6
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  73 128
Sending sd 57
Sending sd 57 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  73 128
Sending sd 57
Sending sd 57 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 7
PWM: SetSettings sd/7
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 8
PWM: SetSettings sd/8
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  73 128
Sending sd 57
Sending sd 57 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 9
PWM: SetSettings sd/9
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  86 128
Sending sd 67
Sending sd 67 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 10
PWM: SetSettings sd/10
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  86 128
Sending sd 67
Sending sd 67 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 11
PWM: SetSettings sd/11
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 12
PWM: SetSettings sd/12
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  98 128
Sending sd 76
Sending sd 76 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  98 128
Sending sd 76
Sending sd 76 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 13
PWM: SetSettings sd/13
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 14
PWM: SetSettings sd/14
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  98 128
Sending sd 76
Sending sd 76 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 15
PWM: SetSettings sd/15
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  115 128
Sending sd 89
Sending sd 89 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 16
PWM: SetSettings sd/16
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  115 128
Sending sd 89
Sending sd 89 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 17
PWM: SetSettings sd/17
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 18
PWM: SetSettings sd/18
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 19
PWM: SetSettings sd/19
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 20
PWM: SetSettings sd/20
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 21
PWM: SetSettings sd/21
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 22
PWM: SetSettings sd/22
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 23
PWM: SetSettings sd/23
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 24
PWM: SetSettings sd/24
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 25
PWM: SetSettings sd/25
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 26
PWM: SetSettings sd/26
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 27
PWM: SetSettings sd/27
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 28
PWM: SetSettings sd/28
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 29
PWM: SetSettings sd/29
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 30
PWM: SetSettings sd/30
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 31
PWM: SetSettings sd/31
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 32
PWM: SetSettings sd/32
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  127 128
Sending sd 99
Sending sd 99 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 33
PWM: SetSettings sd/33
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 34
PWM: SetSettings sd/34
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  105 128
Sending sd 82
Sending sd 82 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  105 128
Sending sd 82
Sending sd 82 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 35
PWM: SetSettings sd/35
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 36
PWM: SetSettings sd/36
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  105 128
Sending sd 82
Sending sd 82 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 37
PWM: SetSettings sd/37
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  70 128
Sending sd 54
Sending sd 54 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 38
PWM: SetSettings sd/38
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  70 128
Sending sd 54
Sending sd 54 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 39
PWM: SetSettings sd/39
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 40
PWM: SetSettings sd/40
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  33 128
Sending sd 25
Sending sd 25 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  33 128
Sending sd 25
Sending sd 25 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 39
PWM: SetSettings sd/39
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 38
PWM: SetSettings sd/38
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  33 128
Sending sd 25
Sending sd 25 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 37
PWM: SetSettings sd/37
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 36
PWM: SetSettings sd/36
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 35
PWM: SetSettings sd/35
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 34
PWM: SetSettings sd/34
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 33
PWM: SetSettings sd/33
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 32
PWM: SetSettings sd/32
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 31
PWM: SetSettings sd/31
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 30
PWM: SetSettings sd/30
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 29
PWM: SetSettings sd/29
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 28
PWM: SetSettings sd/28
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 27
PWM: SetSettings sd/27
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 26
PWM: SetSettings sd/26
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 25
PWM: SetSettings sd/25
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 24
PWM: SetSettings sd/24
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 23
PWM: SetSettings sd/23
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 22
PWM: SetSettings sd/22
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 21
PWM: SetSettings sd/21
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 20
PWM: SetSettings sd/20
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 19
PWM: SetSettings sd/19
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 18
PWM: SetSettings sd/18
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 17
PWM: SetSettings sd/17
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 16
PWM: SetSettings sd/16
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 15
PWM: SetSettings sd/15
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 14
PWM: SetSettings sd/14
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 13
PWM: SetSettings sd/13
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 12
PWM: SetSettings sd/12
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 11
PWM: SetSettings sd/11
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 10
PWM: SetSettings sd/10
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 9
PWM: SetSettings sd/9
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 8
PWM: SetSettings sd/8
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 7
PWM: SetSettings sd/7
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 6
PWM: SetSettings sd/6
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 5
PWM: SetSettings sd/5
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 4
PWM: SetSettings sd/4
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 3
PWM: SetSettings sd/3
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 2
PWM: SetSettings sd/2
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 1
PWM: SetSettings sd/1
Send: pwmfilter: sd -> 0
PWM: SetSettings sd/0
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
Firmware: 0x09 0x00 0x40 0x00 0xf3 0x0a 0x01 0x30 0xc8 
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Sending sd 0 to pwmfilter
DCC-Speed: 9 D: 1  1 128
Sending sd 0
Kann aber nicht zufällig daran liegen, dass ich nur 2 PINs (D1,D2) verwende und PWM auf DISABLE steht?

Grüße Andre

Site Admin
Beiträge: 886
Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
Hat sich bedankt: 33 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 144 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von little.yoda » 27.09.2019, 14:29

sehr komisch. Muss ich die Tage in Ruhe debuggen.

Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 21.08.2019, 07:14
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von murdok1980 » 27.09.2019, 16:15

Mach dir keinen Stress, Gut Ding will Weile haben.
Mir gehts aber auch immer so wenn ich mich in etwas verbeiße.
Grüße André

Site Admin
Beiträge: 886
Registriert: 14.09.2018, 19:05
Hat sich bedankt: 33 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 144 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von little.yoda » 08.10.2019, 18:58

habe dich nicht vergessen. Bin aber noch nicht dazugekommen, es nochmal live zu testen.

Beiträge: 94
Registriert: 21.08.2019, 07:14
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Re: Anfahr- und Bremsverzögerung

Beitrag von murdok1980 » 09.10.2019, 06:37

Kein Problem lass dir Zeit. Lieber einmal mehr getestet und dafür läufts dann.
Grüße Andre
